Now is a time for celebration. The LFA had a chance to exercise its muscles, and the operating levy has passed! Our community recognizes that we have gone beyond our charge in our adaptation to the pandemic, in our personal risk in bringing life back to campus, and in our mobilization in support of Issue 1.
If we are truly one of the best community colleges in the country--and I believe that we are--the passing of this levy is yet another testament to that fact. Our community knows the value of what is theirs, created by a vote themselves, and supported themselves. Such has been the legacy of Lakeland, as it will continue to be so long as the LFA is involved.
Thank you to all of you who volunteered your time and money for this levy. Your actions echo beyond this levy and well into our future.
On November 24, 2020, Debbie Lozano was appointed by Governor Mike DeWine to the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council for a 2-year term. There was no representation for Northeast Ohio in many years. Last May, Debbie assisted the Council with determining who met the criteria of the 4-year Council plan and should be awarded millions of dollars of public funding. Debbie is now assisting the Council with creating the language for the next 4-year cycle.
Debbie is “pleased to have a positive influence on identifying some of the disability needs of Northeast Ohio.” She has worked with many local families, school systems and support agencies to identify the local needs. While she finds this work extremely time consuming, she notes that these activities are “one of the most fulfilling and important aspects of my life.”
Debbie has been encouraged to take a more active role with the Council in the future. She has been approached to open a local branch of a National organization to promote advocacy in Northeast Ohio. She has worked with this community of individuals since her triplets were born at 28 weeks in 1997. She believes it is her destiny for the future beyond Lakeland when she retires.
Chris Jerson (Health Information Management) has volunteered for End 68 Hours of Hunger for several years, an organization that distributes food bags to schools in Lake County. She is one of many who generously give their time to ensure that children do not go hungry between Friday afternoon and Monday morning.
Traci Sullivan (Sociology) is in her fourth year of service with the Painesville Parks & Recreation Commission. As such, she has coordinated opportunities for Lakeland students to participate in community service work while practicing the skills of participant observation research.
Gretchen Frank (English) and Natalie Hopper (English) are the faculty advisors for Lakeland’s chapter of the English honor society, Sigma Kappa Delta, which is hosting a semester-long online funds drive for the Greater Cleveland Food Bank.
The LFA Comms Team wants to hear about your community work and the services provided by the organizations you serve. Email Traci Sullivan or Natalie Hopper so we can share your involvement.
LFA members generously donated over $500 to our healthcare workers appreciation effort. Jeanette Brossmann (Communications & ASL), Traci Sullivan (Sociology), and Natalie Hopper (English) were honored to deliver the individually wrapped food items on behalf of the LFA to the ICUs at UH Lake West and Tripoint Medical Centers.
Joanna Whetstone (English), winner of Lakeland’s 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award, teaching several different film courses, including Intro to Film, American Cinema, Focus on a Film Director, and Special Topics in Film.
While the first two courses provide a great foundation of film history and genres, the last two are manifestations of personal passions. In the Focus on a Film Director class, students explore the still-growing Tarantino Cinematic Universe. Meanwhile, Joanna uses the Special Topics in Film course to trace the origins of zombie movies throughout the world and to consider how different types of zombies reflect the fears and anxieties of the cultures that produced each film.
Joanna is offering ENGL 2263: American Cinema this Spring.
Do you have a fun and interesting course you are offering this spring? Let Traci or Natalie know, so we can promote it on our Facebook page!
October was Dental Hygiene Month, and the LFA is proud of our Dental Hygiene program and faculty, including Jennifer Barr, Maryanne Zavarella, and Jennifer Rutkowski. Our Dental Hygiene program has an incredible reputation, thanks in large part to these incredible professors.
Additionally, October 20 was Medical Assistant Recognition Day. We recognize Program Director and Assistant Professor of Medical Assisting, Denise Lash. Thank you, Denise, for your commitment to students and the community!
Have your received a special award? Asked to share your expertise? Let us know!
Gretchen Skok DiSanto (Business Management) was selected to be the opening speaker at the Lake County Development Council’s 2021 Economic Forum in September and addressed the role of quality-of-life initiatives in Lake County’s economic development. Well done, Gretchen!
Dave Stumpf (Math) was recently inducted into the Lakeland Alumni Hall of Fame Class of 2021. Dave graduated from Lakeland in 1993. In addition to 23 years as a full-time faculty member, he also taught as adjunct faculty and worked as a tutor in the Learning Center. Congratulations, Dave!
Sue Baker (IT & CS) was nominated as one of the finalists for the Best of Tech IT Educators of the Year for 2020! Sue was one of six round table participants at the 6th annual RITE Summit: Spurring Innovation in IT Education in September. Way to go, Sue!
Where are our LFA alumni? What are they up to now? We would like to keep in touch with them and need your help to do so. If you are still in contact with a retired LFA member, let us know, so we can update members on the fun and fulfilling lifestyle that is retirement!
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