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PARL 1100 -- Paralegal Studies: Help with Research

Paralegal Studies

One-on-One Research Help

One-on-One Personal Research Assistance

Lakeland librarians offer personal help with research for assignments, projects and papers. Schedule an appointment for a 20, 30 or 40 minute session. We ask that you provide 24 hours notice for the librarian to prepare for your session.

Click here to complete a Request Form. You will be prompted to log into myLakeland.

We can provide an appointment through video conferencing: WebEx.

Contact a Librarian by Phone or Email

In addition to using the Chat service or scheduling a One-On-One appointment, you can also call or email a librarian to get help.

Phone: 440.525.7425


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Chat with a Librarian

Chat with a librarian and get help with research. This service is available all hours the library is open, click the icon below to get started! 

Live Chat Software

Librarian, Associate Professor

Profile Photo
Megan Mamolen
Office: C3051C
Phone: 440-525-7310

Liaison to: Nursing, Health Sciences, Dental Hygiene, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Physical Education, Nutrition, Psychology, Sociology/Human Services/Urban Studies, Business Management
Lakeland Community College Library
7700 Clocktower Drive | Kirtland, Ohio 44094-5198 | 440.525.7425 |