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FYEX 1000 First Year Experience: Citation Help

Academic Integrity

Citing your source correctly helps you avoid plagiarism. In the Student Conduct Code (Section D Academic Misconduct 2b), Lakeland defines plagiarism as: the act of submitting the words, ideas, or work of another as one's own for any academic exercise. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

  • Failing to provide adequate citations to the sources for ideas, words, images, sounds, and any other supporting material for any academic exercise;
  • Copying and pasting, downloading, or importing any electronic material into work submitted for academic assessment without citing its source;
  • Using copyrighted material in violation of U.S. Copyright Law.

When you find a useful article on your topic for the FYEX annotated bibliography, you will retrieve the database-generated citation in FiSH (that's right, the database does it for you!) in either MLA or APA style. For more help related to database-generated citations, refer to the Video Tutorials tab and watch the video "FiSH Citation Generator."

Generally, when working on a research project, you should get in the habit of saving citation information (author, title, publisher, date, etc.) for any source you might use to ensure you have the proper documentation. A good citation also helps your readers or other researchers easily find the information source you've referred to in your text.

Anatomy of a Citation - APA

A. Authors E. Volume/Issue Number
B. Date of Publication F. Page Numbers
C. Article Title G. Digital Object Identifier
D. Source or Publication Title  

Anatomy of a Citation - MLA

A. Authors E. Date of Publication
B. Article Title F. Page Numbers
C. Source or Journal Title G. Database
D. Volume/Issue Number H. Digital Object Identifier
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