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Open Educational Resources: Evaluating and Adopting OER

Evaluating OER

It is important to evaluate OER for quality and content and to make sure that they meet the needs of your students, the college, and yourself in teaching the course. Achieve, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit education reform organization, has established the following rubrics (used in the OER Commons) for evaluating OER:

Rubrics for Evaluating OER
Rubric Quality Indicator
Rubric I Degree of Alignment to Standards
Rubric II Quality of Explanation of the Subject Matter
Rubric III Utility of Materials Designed to Support Teaching
Rubric IV Quality of Assessment
Rubric V Quality of Technological Interactivity
Rubric VI Quality of Instructional and Practice Exercises
Rubric VII Opportunities for Deeper Learning
Rubric VIII Assurance of Accessibility

Adopting OER Materials

Use the following resources for more information on adopting and integrating OER in the classroom:


Just as it is imperative to cite sources used for a research paper, it is also necessary to give credit to the creator of any OER utilized through attribution. It is important to make sure that the guidelines for usage of any OER are followed based on the type of Creative Commons license assigned to the material.

The following resources provide additional information on attribution:

Lakeland Community College Library
7700 Clocktower Drive | Kirtland, Ohio 44094-5198 | 440.525.7425 |