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GEOG 2750 Spatial Analysis and Modeling: Scholarly Sources

Scholarly Sources

What is a scholarly source?

A scholarly source is material written by an expert or experts (scholarly articles will often have multiple authors) for other experts. If a journal is peer reviewed, that means scholars in the field looked at the material and made comments or recommendations before it could be published, this process ensures that the information is more credible than, say, a website like Yahoo Answers or Reddit. Often these scholarly, peer reviewed articles describe a study that was done, including the objectives and outcomes.

Recommended - Geography Databases

Recommended Articles - Refugee Crises

Using a bibliography is a great way to find additional sources relevant to your research. This one can help get you started. To find the articles below, copy and paste the title into FiSH, putting quotes around the titles will search for the exact phrase.

Once you've located the article, you can save it by sending it to yourself as an email or downloading the PDF to your laptop/PC or a jump drive. These articles will contain their own list of references, you can refer to it to find more sources.


"1987: Year Eight." National Review 39.1 (1987): 23. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

"Afghanistan: The Forgotten Crisis*." Refugee Survey Quarterly 15.2 (1996): 1-35. Political Science Complete. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

ARI, M. M., & İZLER, İ. (2016). The Reformulation of the Refugee Crisis: Syrian Children at Risk. Electronic Journal Of Political Science Studies (EJPSS), 7(2), 53-68.

Bariagaber, Assefaw. "Political Violence And The Uprooted In The Horn Of Africa: A Study Of Refugee Flows From Ethiopia." Journal Of Black Studies 28.(1997): 26-42. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

Coutin, Susan Bibler. "Falling Outside: Excavating The History Of Central American Asylum Seekers." Law & Social Inquiry 36.3 (2011): 569-596. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

Gibbs, Nancy, and Bruce Crumley. "Cry The Forsaken Country. (Cover Story)." Time 144.5 (1994): 28. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

Groueff, Stephane. "The Nation As Concentration Camp." National Review 29.34 (1977): 988. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 3 Dec. 2015.

ITO, A. (2001). Politicisation of Minority Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina — The First Five Years Examined. International Journal Of Refugee Law, 13(1), 98-122.

Lange, M. (2010). Refugee return and root causes of conflict. Forced Migration Review, (36), 48-49.

Pašić, L. (2015). Political and social consequences of continuing displacement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Forced Migration Review, (50), 7-8.

Reyntjens, F. (1999). Briefing: The second Congo war: More than a remake. African Affairs, 98(391), 241.

Rieff, D. (1997). Realpolitik in Congo. Nation, 265(1), 16.

SZMAGIER, M. (2014). THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR IN THE YEARS 2011 -2013. Poliarchia, (3), 59-78. doi:10.12797/Poliarchia.02.2014.03.04

Van Biema, David. "Exodus From Rwanda." Time 144.4 (1994): 34. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Dec. 2015

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