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GEOG 1400 - Mapping Technologies: Videos

This guide is intended for use by Ms. Oliver's Mapping Technologies students to find resources throughout the semester.

Course Videos

Multimedia material is available to help you understand course topics. Links are arranged by Unit Topic. 

What geospatial tech is

Title Time Link
Geospatial Revolution 12:40 Geospatial Revolution
Day at Work: GIS Analyst 4:15 Day at Work
What is a GIS 2:49 What is a GIS

Spatial Data

Title Time Link
Why All World Maps are Wrong  6:00  World Maps are Wrong
Can You Make an Accurate Map? 4:33 Accurate Maps
Learn More About Raster and Vector Map Data 2:24 Raster and Vector Map Data


Title Time Link
What is GIS? 1:02 What is GIS? #1
What is GIS?  2:32  What is GIS? #2
Lesson 4: Introduction to GIS  4:53 Introduction to GIS


Title Time Link
How does GPS work? 4:50 How does GPS Work?
The Truth about GPS: How it Works  3:11 The Truth about GPS
Where am I? GPS explained 6:18 Where am I?

Remote Sensing

Title Time Link
What is remote sensing?  2:04 Remote Sensing
Mapping the Invisible: Introduction to Spectral Remote Sensing  6:05 Spectral Remote Sensing
How do you observe the Earth with satellites?  4:22 Observing with Satellites

Mobile/Web Arc Online

Title Time Link
Making Maps with ArcGIS Online 2:38 Making Maps with ArcGIS
ArcGIS Online: Mapping Basics 1:23 ArcGIS Online
Introduction to Survey123 for ArcGIS 2:10 Introduction to Survey123


Title Time Link
Photogrammetry with a UAV  7:04 Photogrammetry
Introduction to Mission Planner  13:13  Mission Planner
UAV-/Drone-Based Surveying & Inspection of a Ruin Castle  3:37  Drone-based Surveying


Title Time Link
The Most Advanced AR System for GIS - VGIS Utilities 3:16 vGIS Utilities
Civil Maps Augmented Reality Maps & Localization  1:18 Civil Maps
Esri CityEngine Mobile Virtual Reality Solution 1:51 Esri CityEngine
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